Hello Xiyue,

Alright, looking at commit 8e06c63:

- Renaming the file from CHANGELOG.org to changelog in a build target
  dirties the tree, and could mean the package will fail to build twice.

  You could rename it back in the clean target, but I think it would be
  more maintainable to install CHANGELOG.org as changelog -- the
  equivalent of doing 'cp ./CHANGELOG.org /usr/share/doc/foo/changelog'.

  I can't remember whether you can make dh_installdocs do this or
  whether you have to do it with dh_install; please take a look.
  Whatever you do, you'll need to ensure you avoid interfering with the
  automatic .gz compression of files under /usr/share/doc.

- d/copyright needs a lot of work.  Given the addition of all the new
  files, this is almost like an ITP.  Please go through it again and
  ensure it accurately reflects the source.
  For example, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md has its own license and copyright.
  icons/vscode/ might indeed be DFSG-compatible, but why would the
  emacs-lsp maintainers hold copyright?
  Surely it is Microsoft or something?
  I'm afraid you need to track these facts down, or the files have to be
  excluded again.  Please use Comment: fields in d/copyright to explain
  your sources, so it's easier to verify.

By the way, you can combine all the stanza for files under the same
license like this:

Files: dap-edge.el
Copyright: (C) 2019 Kien Nguyen
 (C) 2018 Aya Igarashi
 (C) 2020 Nikita Bloshchanevich
License: GPL-3+


Be sure you're familiar with the copyright format spec.; there are more
shortcuts allowed than most people seem to realise.

Sean Whitton

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