Hi Sean,

Sean Whitton <spwhit...@spwhitton.name> writes:

> Hello Xiyue,
> Thanks for adopting the package.
> You've added a wrong-name-for-upstream-changelog override.  What name
> does the file get installed as?  The .org extension shouldn't be present
> in the filesystem under /usr/share/doc, if that is what it is.

I didn't know of such restriction.  I was looking at the Debian policy
12.3[1] which suggests "Additional documentation included in the package
should be installed under /usr/share/doc/package" so I thought it was OK
to ship org documentation under /usr/share/doc/dap-mode/.  What would be
the recommended practice to ship the org documentation?

> -- 
> Sean Whitton


Xiyue Deng

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