Alessandro Speranza wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Luis Mendes wrote:

> > I am about to install Woody in my new Toshiba 1800-314 which came
> > with a copy of WinXp Home Edition installed. In the past I had linux
> > coexisting with different flavours of Windows (3.11, 95, 98) but
> > never with XP. I am a bit worried because after a search I got
> > conflicting views on how easy it is to get linux coexisting with XP.
> > As anyone in this list tried it sucssefuly? One other related issue
> > is that XP comes installed in a WIN32 filesystem but I can convert
> > it to NTFS. Should I do this? will Linux be able to see my XP
> > partition in an NTFS filesystem. 
> I haven't tried myself, I'll start today or tomorrow the effort, but
> I've seen people doing it. All of them told me to remove windows and
> partition first, because otherwise you'll never get it back on the
> move.

I have installed it successfully together with WinXP using NTFS. I
didn't remove the NTFS partition first. I used Partition Magic to size
the partition down. Then I added two linux partitons (one swap, one
normal) after the NTFS one.

Considering multi-boot, I'm using a two-stage booting. First the NT boot
loader gives the option between "Debian GNU/Linux" and "Microsoft
Windows XP Home Edition". If I select Linux, then GRUB gets loaded and
presents me with the Linux boot loader menu.

This way I can recompile kernels without having to adjust anything under
Windows XP.

In order to do this, install GRUB into your Linux partition. Copy the
first 512 bytes to a file and place it inside C:\bootlinx.bin or
similar. Add an entry to C:\boot.ini to load that file.

You can't do it the other way round (i.e. using GRUB to boot WinXP), as
GRUB can't read NTFS (AFAICT).

Hope this helps a bit.



 Stefan Bellon * <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * <>
 PGP 2 and OpenPGP keys available from my home page

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