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>>>>> "Alex" == Alex Malinovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Alex> Is there an easy way to do this same thing in LILO? Or are there
Alex> any additional benefits to installing GRUB? As my system stands
Alex> right now, I let XP handle booting, but this is a pain in my rear
Alex> end as my C: drive is NTFS so any time I change my LILO config I
Alex> have to boot into Windows to copy my LILO boot file to
Alex> C:. Anything to simplify this would be wonderful.

It's been a while since I've used LILO, but I think that LILO should be
able to boot WinXP.  I don't think that LILO has any command line where
you can enter commands, but you should be able to install it so that it
boots the first sector of the WinXP partition, and that should be enough
to boot WinXP (or boot its boot loader).

I don't see why you need to copy your LILO configuration to your C:
drive.  I would think that after you change your LILO config, you would
just need to rerun lilo, and that should be it.

But one thing that I love about GRUB is that you can stick it on a
floppy, and if you ever mess it up on your hard drive, you can always
use your floppy to recover.  Since GRUB groks most Linux filesystems
(ext2fs and reiserfs are definitely supported, I don't know about
others), you don't have to have to change anything on the floppy to make
it work between kernel versions -- it can always find your kernel
image.  (And, of course, you can always use it to boot the WinXP boot

- -- 
Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.geocities.com/hubertchan/
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