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>>>>> "Luis" == Luis Mendes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Luis> Other replies to the list seem to indicate that it shoudl also
Luis> work with LILO. Just in case, where is the XP bootloader located?

I use GRUB, which is more powerful than LILO.  If you're worried, you
can put GRUB on a floppy, check that you can boot Windows from
GRUB-on-a-floppy just booting into the XP partition, and then if you
mess things up real bad, you can always go back to your GRUB floppy.  Of
course, you'll need to read the GRUB manuals to figure out how things

FWIW, I have Linux, and XP on the same drive on my laptop (IBM
ThinkPad).  I didn't encounter any problems, except that XP got
installed on an NTFS partition, so I had to get PartitionMagic to shrink
it.  Linux seems to read NTFS partitions fine, except that it's only
root-readable, even if I mount as a normal user.  I have a small FAT32
partition that I can use to transfer files, but that's going to be going
away soon, because I don't use XP much.

- -- 
Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.geocities.com/hubertchan/
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