On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Luis Mendes wrote:
> Hi,
> I am about to install Woody in my new Toshiba 1800-314 which came with
> a copy of WinXp Home Edition installed. In the past I had linux
> coexisting with different flavours of Windows (3.11, 95, 98) but never
> with XP. I am a bit worried because after a search I got conflicting
> views on how easy it is to get linux coexisting with XP. As
> anyone in this list tried it sucssefuly? One other related issue is
> that XP comes installed in a WIN32 filesystem but I can convert it to
> NTFS. Should I do this? will Linux be able to see my XP partition in
> an NTFS filesystem.
I haven't tried myself, I'll start today or tomorrow the effort, but I've
seen people doing it. All of them told me to remove windows and partition
first, because otherwise you'll never get it back on the move.