On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 06:39:03PM +0000, Luis Mendes wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am about to install Woody in my new Toshiba 1800-314 which came with
> a copy of WinXp Home Edition installed. In the past I had linux
> coexisting with different flavours of Windows (3.11, 95, 98) but never
> with XP. I am a bit worried because after a search I got conflicting
> views on how easy it is to get linux coexisting with XP. As
> anyone in this list tried it sucssefuly? One other related issue is
> that XP comes installed in a WIN32 filesystem but I can convert it to
> NTFS. Should I do this? will Linux be able to see my XP partition in 
> an NTFS filesystem. 

I got a pre-installed XPpro on my TP A30, it works well with woody. I
can mount the NTFS XP-Partition (readonly), and XP can be started easily
by lilo.

I didn't encounter any problems so far.


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