On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 14:43, Robert Waldner wrote:
> #include<pls_dont_cc_me_on_mailing_lists.h>

#include <general_apologies.h>

> Well, I don't have any FIR-capable device to test against, so it's 
>  somewhat pointless for me.

Figures. It's not critical for me either, I'd just like to sort the
thing out just in case I ever have a real need for it.

> A colleague of mine got it to work with minor changes, I'll get you the 
>  details.

No rush or anything, would just be a good thing to collect all available
information and have it someplace.

> >Could you show me your /etc/irda.conf?
> .-.-.-.
> #irda.conf Version: 1.0
> IRDADEV=/dev/ttyS3

Ok, so now that I changed to ttyS3 and cold rebooted the machine, it's

To summarize:

IrDA on Dell Inspiron 8000 (also 8100 apparently) running Debian (woody)

- Only works with SIR so far, so you won't get the 4 megabits-per-second
  speeds of FIR (Fast InfraRed). SIR is serial speed, so 115200 bps.
- Kernel: Linux 2.4.18.
- In /etc/serial.conf, you should have only this:
  /dev/ttyS0 uart 16550A port 0x03f8 irq 4 baud_base 115200 spd_normal skip_test
  Any other lines can be commented out (unless you have additional
  hardware or something.)

1. Loading the modules.

Run modconf and find the irtty module (net/irda) and load it. At this
point, error messages can be ignored. Then, edit /etc/modules and make
sure irtty is loaded BEFORE the maestro3 module (sound card). You must
now SHUT DOWN your machine because once the maestro3 module has been
loaded, irda will not work unless you load it first. Rebooting does not
seem to help, you really have to cut power.
Oh, and if it's not obvious, the module loading order is the same as the
order in /etc/modules, counting from the top down.

2. Installing tools/software.

apt-get install irda-common irda-tools
These packages have a debconf interface to configure /etc/irda.conf.
Make sure you choose to use irda with the serial method and choose
/dev/ttyS3 as the serial device. Your /etc/irda.conf should look like

#irda.conf Version: 1.0
ENABLE=yes # if you don't need to start irattach, set "no"

The version number is likely to change in the future I presume.

3. Testing.

When you have those installed, /etc/init.d/irattach start should work
correctly. Run irdadump as root and place your irda-capable device
within range of your laptop and activate it. You should see something
like this (this is for a PalmV handheld):

13:44:52.114441 xid:cmd f119a868 > ffffffff S=6 s=0 (14) 
13:44:52.204434 xid:cmd f119a868 > ffffffff S=6 s=1 (14) 
13:44:52.294431 xid:cmd f119a868 > ffffffff S=6 s=2 (14) 
13:44:52.384431 xid:cmd f119a868 > ffffffff S=6 s=3 (14) 
13:44:52.474432 xid:cmd f119a868 > ffffffff S=6 s=4 (14) 
13:44:52.564431 xid:cmd f119a868 > ffffffff S=6 s=5 (14) 
13:44:52.654434 xid:cmd f119a868 > ffffffff S=6 s=* kernel hint=0400 [ Computer ] (22) 
13:44:55.114441 xid:cmd f119a868 > ffffffff S=6 s=0 (14) 
13:44:55.204431 xid:cmd f119a868 > ffffffff S=6 s=1 (14) 
13:44:55.294435 xid:cmd f119a868 > ffffffff S=6 s=2 (14) 
13:44:55.384434 xid:cmd f119a868 > ffffffff S=6 s=3 (14) 
13:44:55.384422 xid:rsp f119a868 < 9a29e829 S=6 s=2 fabbe hint=8220 [ PDA/Palmtop 
IrOBEX ] (22) 

The "kernel" line is my laptop, which is named "kernel". You'll see some
other name here.

4. Finished.

When you have successfully set this up, you can start using software
that works with irda. The device to use is /dev/ttyS3. Remember, in
Debian, the serial ports are owned by the dialout group. In order to
allow use of such a port to a user, add the user in question to the
dialout group with 'adduser <user> dialout'.

Did I miss anything?


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