On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 12:57, Robert Waldner wrote:
> I'm writing this on an 8100. `lsmod|grep ir`:
>   irtty                   7340   2 (autoclean)
>   irda                  129241   1 (autoclean) [irtty]

Ok, so you're not using the smc-ircc module at all? It may very well be
impossible to get FIR working with this hardware, so I guess I'll have
to settle for SIR, which means that I can stop thinking about smc-ircc.

Is there anyone out there who has smc-ircc working? I suspect it may be
possible to make it work but something tells me it won't be easy.

>  On the 8100 the problem is that the maestro3-module mustn't be loaded 
>  when modprobe'ing irda-stuff. It even mustn't habe been loaded since 
>  last boot. If you load the irda-stuff prior to maestro3, there's no 
>  problem at all.

Ok, I'm now loading maestro3 last...

> I don't have any entry in serial.conf other than ttyS0.

...and I commented out the ttyS3 entry.

Could you show me your /etc/irda.conf? I'm not really sure which device
I should irattach to. I got some packets through (looking with irdadump)
when irattaching to /dev/ircomm0, but after just one or two packets, the
transmission stopped. I may have to shut down completely and do a cold
boot because, as you said, the maestro3 module mustn't have been loaded
at all before the irda stuff.

The real grief is that I had all this working once, but after a hard
drive crash (and apparently a memory corruption in my brain) I haven't
managed to get it working... But I do remember that cold booting was a
must in some situations.

Thanks for your help,

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