I have a Dell Inspiron 8000 and a slight problem with irda. The i8k seems to have an SMC irda chip, and thus the smc-ircc module is the one to be used.
However, for some reason I can't get the module to load correctly on the first attempt. By doing two successive modprobes, the module is loaded. I suspect this might have something to do with my serial port settings, but I haven't managed to figure out what to put in /etc/serial.conf to work this out. There's a line for /dev/ttyS3 that has the same io address and irq as the smc chip, but nothing I've done seems to change this behaviour. At the moment, the workaround is to load the smc-ircc module twice, but I don't think that's the correct solution. Here's some data to show exactly what's happening: --8<-- kernel:~# modprobe smc-ircc /lib/modules/2.4.18/kernel/drivers/net/irda/smc-ircc.o: init_module: No such device Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters /lib/modules/2.4.18/kernel/drivers/net/irda/smc-ircc.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.18/kernel/drivers/net/irda/smc-ircc.o failed /lib/modules/2.4.18/kernel/drivers/net/irda/smc-ircc.o: insmod smc-ircc failed kernel:~# modprobe smc-ircc kernel:~# dmesg ... irda_init() ircc_init ircc_init Try to open all known SMC chipsets smc_superio_flat() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_paged() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_flat() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_paged() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_flat() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_paged() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_flat() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_access() smc_superio_paged() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_access() smc_access() found SMC SuperIO Chip (devid=0x0e rev=01 base=0x002e): LPC47N252 ircc_open SMC IrDA Controller found IrCC version 2.0, firport 0x300, sirport 0x2e8 dma=3, irq=3 irport_open_R059cb37a() irport_open_R059cb37a(), can't get iobase of 0x2e8 smc_superio_flat() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_paged() smc_probe() smc_access() irport_close_R3c93785d(), Releasing Region 2e8 irda_init() ircc_init ircc_init Try to open all known SMC chipsets smc_superio_flat() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_paged() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_flat() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_paged() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_flat() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_paged() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_flat() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_access() smc_superio_paged() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_access() smc_access() found SMC SuperIO Chip (devid=0x0e rev=01 base=0x002e): LPC47N252 ircc_open SMC IrDA Controller found IrCC version 2.0, firport 0x300, sirport 0x2e8 dma=3, irq=3 irport_open_R059cb37a() IrDA: Registered device irda0 smc_superio_flat() smc_probe() smc_access() smc_superio_paged() smc_probe() smc_access() kernel:~# /etc/serial.conf: /dev/ttyS0 uart 16550A port 0x03f8 irq 4 baud_base 115200 spd_normal skip_test /dev/ttyS3 uart 16550A port 0x02e8 irq 3 baud_base 115200 spd_normal --8<-- Any hints? Cheers, fabbe
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