ok... now i can answer myself... alsa works great without arts... even though 
noatun and kaboodle still load arts themselves for playing something... but 
well... who cares :P


Rafael Rodriguez

El Miércoles, 16 de Abril de 2003 11:04, R. Rodriguez escribió:
> Oh i see... well, then i think i can use just ALSA with my sb live 5.1....
> i hope this one is capable of playing several parallel streams!
> Regards,
> Rafael Rodriguez
> El Miércoles, 16 de Abril de 2003 04:59, Magnus von Koeller escribió:
> > On Tuesday 15 April 2003 23:41, R. Rodriguez wrote:
> > > > Oh, and since I don't need arts anyway (my sound card supports
> > > > multiple parallel sound inputs), I hardly see the point.
> > >
> > > Can you explain that to a newbie? :P
> >
> > Well, arts is a sound server. That means there can be multiple
> > clients, all sending audio data to the server. The server mixes these
> > multiple sound streams and plays them over your sound card.
> >
> > For example, you can listen to music using Noatun but still hear
> > system sounds. If your sound card doesn't support multiple parallel
> > sound inputs (there's probably a more scientific term), you need arts
> > for this to work.
> >
> > My sound card, though, can play multiple sounds all by it self. So,
> > even if I use standard Linux sound drivers without any extras, I can
> > hear multiple sounds at the same time. So, basically, arts is just an
> > additional layer I don't need.
> >
> > I hope that explains it...
> --
> "Además de mantener el sistema informático en funcionamiento, la tarea
> fundamental de cualquier administrador de sistemas es guardar copias de
> seguridad para poder restaurarlas ante el acontecimiento de un desastre
> natural (acto de Dios) o un fallo del sistema (acto de Redmond)."
> William von Hagen

"Además de mantener el sistema informático en funcionamiento, la tarea 
fundamental de cualquier administrador de sistemas es guardar copias de 
seguridad para poder restaurarlas ante el acontecimiento de un desastre 
natural (acto de Dios) o un fallo del sistema (acto de Redmond)."

William von Hagen

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