On Tuesday 15 April 2003 19:50, David Bishop wrote:
> <snip error messages>
> Well, the fact that your install is broken doesn't make noatun bad
> :-)  I use sid, so I can't really help you, but I bet Ralf would
> appreciate a bug report.

Well, it /is/ kind of weird, though, that almost all installs of 
noatun seem to be broken in some way. Just a few days ago was the 
first time that I was actually able to *just start* noatun without an 
immediate crash or at least orgies of installation and configuration.

I use sid, too, so it seems to work well there. From all that bad past 
experience, I still don't like Noatun because for me it's just the 
Media player that has the crash record on my system. Anyway, that's 
just IMVHO.

Oh, and since I don't need arts anyway (my sound card supports 
multiple parallel sound inputs), I hardly see the point.


---  Magnus von Koeller ---
address:  Heinrich-Heine-Str. 10
          D-38102 Braunschweig / Germany
phone:    +49-531-2094886
mobile:   +49-179-4562940
web:      http://www.vonkoeller.de               

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