On Wednesday 16 April 2003 12:16, Lucas Moulin wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Apr 2003 05:59:40 +0200
> Magnus von Koeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For example, you can listen to music using Noatun but still hear
> > system sounds. If your sound card doesn't support multiple parallel
> > sound inputs (there's probably a more scientific term), you need arts
> > for this to work.
> Yes, it's called full duplex actually. All recent sound cards (or not
> too cheap ones) can do this.
I think full dublex means input and output at the same time.

> Even my old Aureal Vortex from 1998 can, so arts is just a thing I
> don't need. What sucks about this noatun/arts dependance is that one
> can't work without the other. In fact, arts doesn't work with my sound
> card, so I can't use any of KDE multimedia players. I know that my card

Hmm, strange.
I have used arts with ALSA and OSS driven cards.

Kevin Krammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer at the Kmud Project http://www.kmud.de/

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