Dne st 16. dubna 2003 11:47 Tom Badran napsal(a): > On Wednesday 16 Apr 2003 10:22 am, Frank Van Damme wrote: > > On Wednesday 16 April 2003 05:59, Magnus von Koeller wrote: > > > Well, arts is a sound server. That means there can be multiple > > > clients, all sending audio data to the server. The server mixes these > > > multiple sound streams and plays them over your sound card. > > Which is already becoming obsolete due to the alsa drivers supporting > hardware mixers on most cards that have them, and also will be becoming the > default sound system in the 2.6 kernel.
Doesn't work with onboard sound on Intel chipsets (in my case i845 chipset and ALSA). This is huge part of all soundcards. -- Petr Balas (petr at balas dot cz)