Hi all,

some more info on the "Translation status robot not working" topic:

The issue with the spanish file for slm has been fixed in the meantime.
And that is correctly tracked on the status page as well, both on the
robot status page and on the Debian translation status overview:
correct means here, that the file is not 100% translated, since there is still
(or again) some work to do; there have been changes to the English original,
so translation updates are needed.

Another topic was kwartz-client for Spanish:
the bugreport #1065631 filed by Camaleón was processed correctly and closed,
but was re-opened by Camaleón, because his assumption was, that something
went wrong with integration of his file; but in fact everything is correct
so far, but there were changes to the English original, so the latest
Spanish po file is not 100% translated and has work for translator again
(the same situation as for slm).
I have closed #1065631 now. For a new translation update a new bugreport
should be filed. 
(The translation status page lists this bug for kwartz-client as open today; 
this will (should) change in two days, when the next data/page update happens.)

Moreover, I noticed another topic:
The two bugs from Christoph
#1072819 slm: [L10N,DE] slm 0.8.3-3: german translation
#1072820 slm: Issues in slm documentation strings
were still open, but they have in fact been fixed on 16. Jun 2024

But the bugs have not been automatically closed somehow, even if they should.
Therefore, I closed them yesterday manually.
And today the latest files for Spanish and German (including the
correct translations and the typos in English reported by Christoph
being fixed) are correctly downloadable via

So, in summary, the translation page seems fine currently, but translators
have work to do again :-)


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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