
Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org> wrote (Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:17:08 +0200):
> The robot status pages like
> <https://l10n.debian.org/coordination/german/de.by_status.html>
> show, there is an open l10n bug for German for the slm package
> existing, and this true, so debian.org should tell the same, but it
> does not.

The l10n material from https://i18n.debian.org/material/data/
contains this for the slm package:


Package: slm
Version: 0.9-3
Section: web
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Georges Khaznadar <georg...@debian.org>
PoolDir: main/s/slm
Type: ?
Upstream: debian
 podebconf: file debian/po/es.po not up-to-date
 gettext: debian/po/es.po: warning: Charset missing in header.
conversion to user's charset will not work.
 debian/po/es.po:12:74: syntax error
 debian/po/es.po:12: keyword "n" unknown
 debian/po/es.po:13: end-of-line within string
 msgfmt: found 3 fatal errors
 debian/po/de.po!de!8t0f0u!debian/po/slm_0.9-3_de.po!Christoph Brinkhaus 
<c.brinkh...@t-online.de>!German <debian-l10n-ger...@lists.debian.org>
<noela...@gmail.com>!Debian Spanish <debian-l10n-span...@lists.debian.org>\n"
 debian/po/fr.po!fr!8t0f0u!debian/po/slm_0.9-3_fr.po!Georges Khaznadar 


Maybe this error prevents the correct processing of the page for slm ???

I remember similar issues in the past: that errors in packages broke the
updating of the status pages.
So, that's not an issue with the webpage!


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
PGP-Fingerprint: 496A C6E8 1442 4B34 8508  3529 59F1 87CA 156E B076

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