On Mon, 17 Jun 2024 22:23:28 +0200 Thomas Lange <la...@cs.uni-koeln.de> wrote:
>Hi, > >I can share my impressions from the web team point of view during the >BoF. Summary: >- I'm interested in what may help translators, for e.g. is git a > barrier for people to become an active translator? Would a web based > tool help? > I don't know about this. Before the git conversion I've experienced that people wanted to help (with the Swedish translation in my case), but since the CVS to git migration was coming they thought that it would be easier after the migration (in many cases as they knew git), but after the migration I feel that I've got less translation update suggestions than ever. This could of course be due to me or other people already fixing those spots where these people found problems in the translations, but I don't know for sure. It might very well be that some web based tool would help with this though. (This is from the angle of an already translator though, I'm the wrong person to speak about barriers for new translators). /Andreas Rönnquist gus...@debian.org mailingli...@debian.org