Hello *,
Am Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 08:36:20AM +0800 schrieb xiao sheng wen(肖盛文):
> 在 2024/6/18 04:23, Thomas Lange 写道:
> > ....
> > - I'm interested in what may help translators, for e.g. is git a
> >    barrier for people to become an active translator? Would a web based
> >    tool help?
> For reference, weblate is a web based tool:
> https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/
> There are many open source projects and Debian's projects use it now.

This needs to be decided per language team. I'm personally not fond of
web based tools and anonymus contributions have not had the best
quality in the past. And you cannot talk to the submitters at all.

I think this is just lack of (wo)man power. Translation is important, but
too few people take the time to prepare (good) translations and there
is so much to translate. I would love to contribute to the web pages
as well, but my resource are already bound to manpages-l10n and

From my manpages-l10n experience: Having a good infrastructure, trying
to take care of the needs of translators, really helps.

So, in my opionion, what would really help is better education to the 
english authors. If you only fix trivial (english) issues, e.g. commas, 
quote signs, links, etc., then translators should not see it. So either 
all up to date translations are bumped without change or the fix (e.g. 
http → https) is done by the english author. This way, translators which 
are up to date are releaved of work. And of course, separating trivial 
and content updates. 



      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
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