Quoting Holger Wansing (li...@wansing-online.de):

> > It is like 10 years that you're saying this, you know, Marc? ;-)
> Depending on the base of knowledge the people have, which read the
> translation, it goes either " What means Programmschnittstelle? ", when
> you use »Programmschnittstelle«, or they say "What the h**l is ABI? 
> This is a german translation, why don't they use a german word for this?",
> when you do not translate it and use »ABI«.
> For many terms, there is no "perfect" translation existing. 
> There are always people, who criticize it, whatever you write, depending
> on their environment.
> So, it's as always:
> What you do as a translator, it is always wrong.

My usual trick, in such case, is to use something like:

"Programmschnittstelle (»ABI«)"

though it seems, at least according to Wikipedia, that
Programmschnittstelle is more "API" than "ABI" which should be 

(french would be "interface binaire-programme (« ABI »)" and
"interface de programmation (« API »)"

I call this trick, the "technoid" trick.....:-). I just try to not
overuse it and I tend to favor the translated term, particularly when
I have to use it several times in the same text.

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