Hi, Christian PERRIER <bubu...@debian.org> wrote: > Quoting Marc Haber (mh+debian-i...@zugschlus.de): > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 08:21:45PM +0100, Helge Kreutzmann wrote: > > > On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 03:54:05PM +0100, Stephan Beck wrote: > > > > Anyway, I will continue as soon as I am sure that everything is fine, > > > > but with respect to the timeline in the instructions about translating, > > > > it might be too late. By the way, is there a terminology reference for > > > > the more Debian-related terms? > > > > > > Yes. wiki.debian.org/Wortliste > > > > I am missing "Verklemmung" for "Deadlock", "Rollkugel-Zeigereinheit" > > for "Mouse" and "Unterbrechungsanforderungssignalbestaetigungssignal" > > for "Interrupt Acknowledge". > > > > This wordlist may be one of the reasons why Debian's German > > translations are considered one of the worst translations in IT in > > history. > > It is like 10 years that you're saying this, you know, Marc? ;-)
Depending on the base of knowledge the people have, which read the translation, it goes either " What means Programmschnittstelle? ", when you use »Programmschnittstelle«, or they say "What the h**l is ABI? This is a german translation, why don't they use a german word for this?", when you do not translate it and use »ABI«. For many terms, there is no "perfect" translation existing. There are always people, who criticize it, whatever you write, depending on their environment. So, it's as always: What you do as a translator, it is always wrong. From the POV of translation quality, more manpower on debian-l10n-german is not a handicap ;-) Happy translating Holger -- ============================================================ Created with Sylpheed 3.2.0 under the new D E B I A N L I N U X 7 . 0 W H E E Z Y ! Registered Linux User #311290 - https://linuxcounter.net/ ============================================================ -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-i18n-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/20140216164549.0be77ff0784a215dbc022...@wansing-online.de