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(I guess this thread was started on i18n, which I don't follow, so I may 
be missing some context here.
I have kept only the people directly involved in CC.)

On Friday 29 October 2004 09:29, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > Thank you a lot for the update Christian, one question, though, what
> > happens with the debian-install manual for Sarge? When is the "Last
> > Call for Translations" due? I've heard some strange statements that
> > these need to be done before initrd is uploaded, for some unknown
> > reason.
> This is better been discussed with Frans Pop ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) who
> is in charge of the manual. I CC him.

'in charge' is a big word :-/

Don't ask me why or how (I don't know either), but currently the build of 
the debian-installer-manual package _is_ done at the same time as the 
There have been several delays and retries in building the initrd's (I 
have not seen a status update from joeyh for a while), but it looks like 
the last build and upload has been on the 27th, so any translation 
updates that had been committed before that date should be included.

There has been a 'last call for translations' from me on the 7th and there 
was a great response from translators after that (especially fr and es).
In the end there was more time available because of all the delays.
I have not really send updates, because the new deadline was never clear, 
but I have kept an eye on updates, especially during the first two weeks.

> > Even though 19 languages are almost 100% for all stages, currently
> > there are only 5 languages which have supassed 90% translation status
> > for the manual [1]. This is worse than the woody release, in which
> > the manual and release notes were available for 10-11 languages.

Never mind the translations. IMHO even worse is the general state of the 
manual itself.
For i386 it is somewhat complete and correct, but there are lots of places 
where it could be improved.
For some architectures it is next to useless as most architecture specific 
information is still based on boot-floppies.

I guess in a volunteer based project, documentation will always lag behind 
development. I would be willing to bet that the manual will be in a lot 
better shape for etch :-P
I would also guess that the manual was better for Woody than it was for 

A major rewrite of chapter 2 is planned after the initrd's are final (are 
they yet?).
Also, there will soon be the option to use .po files for translating the 

> > Of course, some of this work (for example Release Notes) can be done
> > after the release since it doesn't affect it. However, the manual is
> > bound to be present in the CD-ROMs somehow. Isn't it?

IIRC the release notes _are_ included on the CD's. So shouldn't they be 
translated before the release? Or is it just the EN version that is 

> IIRC, the "enough complete" translations will be on the CDs. Other
> translations will be kept up-to-date on the web site.

Included on the CD will be the en, cs, es, fr, ja and pt_BR translations 
of the manual.
Newer versions and other translations are available from the website and 
will hopefully be included on (or clearly linked to from) the release 

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