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On Sunday 31 October 2004 01:26, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> If someone can point me out to more information on
> how/why this is done I would really appreciate it.

See SVN ./installer/debian/rules for how and mail from joeyh for why :-)

> Could you please at (CC:) debian-i18n when sending 'Last call for
> translations'? Even if you contact translators directly sometimes they
> don't report back to their translation teams.

OK, I did forget i18n, but I _did_ CC to all individual translators _and_ 
involved language lists, including [EMAIL PROTECTED] (which I would 
expect you follow).

> Is there going to be a last upload of initrd? If so translators could
> use it to update/review their translations.

See answer from joeyh.

> Well, I don't know, I haven't seen any report to translators regarding
> which documentation will be included in the release and when is the
> last time we can provide it. Release Notes is available in the Debian
> Doc CVS, AFAIK, and so are translations. There is, however, no tracking
> of versions so I can't say how many of the available translations (ca
> cs da de es fr it ja pt zh_TW) are up-to-date. Based on CVS logs, I
> would say that there is only _one_ language that is up-to-date (fr, as
> it couldn't be otherwise :-)

I am not very happy about Release Notes personally. I have send Dutch 
translations three times (once to d-doc, once to d-l10n-dutch and once to 
robster after speaking with him on #d-boot).
robster promised me he would add my translation to CVS, but it's still not 
there. (I can't commit myself as I'm not a DD.)
Also I did an extensive review of the release notes, again no reaction...

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