On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 11:17:46PM +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
> Don't ask me why or how (I don't know either), but currently the build of 
> the debian-installer-manual package _is_ done at the same time as the 
> initrd's.

Is there any way these can be decoupled? In the woody days, the manual (and
other documentation) would be retrieved from the package providing it when
generating the CD-rom sets. I don't think it's good to have binary packages 
(initrd) coupled with non-binary packages (documentation). If someone can 
point me out to more information on how/why this is done I would really 
appreciate it.

> There have been several delays and retries in building the initrd's (I 
> have not seen a status update from joeyh for a while), but it looks like 
> the last build and upload has been on the 27th, so any translation 
> updates that had been committed before that date should be included.

Bummer, I've been reviewing the spanish translation (lot of typos) and have 
commited stuff after that date.

> There has been a 'last call for translations' from me on the 7th and there 
> was a great response from translators after that (especially fr and es).

Could you please at (CC:) debian-i18n when sending 'Last call for
translations'? Even if you contact translators directly sometimes they
don't report back to their translation teams. Which means that translation
coordinators (myself included) are not aware of major last call of
translations (so we can't try to get more people involved if needed).

> Never mind the translations. IMHO even worse is the general state of the 
> manual itself.

Yes, I've seen that while reviewing. Maybe more user feedback is needed or 
a new way to generate documentation so that it could be included in the 
manual (a Wiki?). People might feel more comfortable adding annotations 
through a generic UI than having to go through the hurdles of learning how 
to use svn/cvs/diff/etc. in order to provide useful patches

> I guess in a volunteer based project, documentation will always lag behind 
> development. I would be willing to bet that the manual will be in a lot 
> better shape for etch :-P

Hopefully :-)

> A major rewrite of chapter 2 is planned after the initrd's are final (are 
> they yet?).

Is there going to be a last upload of initrd? If so translators could use 
it to update/review their translations.

> > > Of course, some of this work (for example Release Notes) can be done
> > > after the release since it doesn't affect it. However, the manual is
> > > bound to be present in the CD-ROMs somehow. Isn't it?
> IIRC the release notes _are_ included on the CD's. So shouldn't they be 
> translated before the release? Or is it just the EN version that is 
> included?

Well, I don't know, I haven't seen any report to translators regarding
which documentation will be included in the release and when is the last
time we can provide it. Release Notes is available in the Debian Doc CVS,
AFAIK, and so are translations. There is, however, no tracking of versions
so I can't say how many of the available translations (ca cs da de es fr it
ja pt zh_TW) are up-to-date. Based on CVS logs, I would say that there is
only _one_ language that is up-to-date (fr, as it couldn't be otherwise :-)

> Newer versions and other translations are available from the website and 
> will hopefully be included on (or clearly linked to from) the release 
> pages.

Yes, as usual. Hopefully, new revisions of the manual (and translations) or
release notes will also be included in sarge+1 CDs. I'm not sure if this 
has been done for other releases, however.



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