On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Alexander Schmehl wrote:

> Well, I think the sub-projects "corner" was quite narrow. If Adamantix
> would have arrived, too, it would have become nearly impossible to take
> visitors there and show them the project and answer them questions.
Well, I think there is always a reason to enhance the Debian booth
because if we would make a statistcs of people per booth (or even
people per square meters of booth keeping in mind that the Debian
booth was quite large compared to other projects) we would certainly
be at least among the three top projects.  But Joey told me that
enhancing the Debian booth is not possible for financial reasons and
making a separate CDD booth would not give us more money.  So either
we find a sponsor (ask M$ - there was normally a plenty of space at
their booth compared to ours) or cope with the current situation.

> > I, as a LinuxTag organiser, do have a problem with a third (fourth?)
> > Debian booth.
> I can understand you point and would like to add an other one: Who will
> organize that booth?
Nobody - that's why the idea sucks. ;-)
Our booth organizers where so brilliant - we would not find an
equivalent replacement. ;-)

Kind regards


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