On Tue, Jun 29, 2004 at 01:41:34AM +0200, Simon Richter wrote:
> > - the "hacking" area wasn't avaible on the first days, so much Debian
> >   folks was sitting around at our booth, so visitors (if they weren't to
> >   afraid too come to our booth) didn't know whom to ask questions.
> Now that you mention it: Something that really annoyed me last year (I
> didn't go this year, but I doubt this has changed) was the rude tone in
> which the people that were not on their shift were asked to leave, even
> while they were talking to visitors.

Well, perhaps it should be made perfectly clear before LT that people
who are not on shift should not be inside of the booth.
I guess being just outside of the booth and tending to visitors who are
not able to get the attention of the booth staff because we are crowded
would be alright.

Anyway, the nice idea of having official booth staff indicated by the
official polo shirts didn't work out so well.

> Not a permanent solution, but workable: Have a *visible* hacking/hanging
> out area where people can gather. 

Sure, but it should be seperate from the booth. This was actually the
case last year and less so this year (no chairs/tables at all, and it
was highly unofficial, AFAICT). I agree that we should definetely have a
place where 2+ people can sit together with their notebooks and solve
problems would be nice. Unfortunately, the network access at the AKK
seemed to be less than ideal as well.

> Hiding everyone who is not "official" is not a solution.

Why not?

I think our strategy for next year should be to offer the
non-booth-staff people a nice place to hack/relax/sleep/talk where they
would happily go instead of staying around at the booth, where it would
be less comfortable.

Also, we might want to consider pleading for a seperate 'Custom Debian
Projects' booth right next to ours for the next LT (just like Linux
ports), I believe a huge percentage of visitors were interested in them,
so I think it be worthwhile to split it of for the benefit of both.


Michael Banck
Debian Developer

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