On Wed, 7 Jul 2004, Martin Schulze wrote:

> > Also, we might want to consider pleading for a seperate 'Custom Debian
> > Projects' booth right next to ours for the next LT (just like Linux
> > ports), I believe a huge percentage of visitors were interested in them,
> > so I think it be worthwhile to split it of for the benefit of both.
> I guess, we should first decide whether such a space is needed,
> i.e. did the sub-projects at the booth use enough space?  Did they use
> too much space judging by interested visitors?
Speaking as one of the CDD people I do not regard this necessary.
In Chemnitz I had a separate booth (against my explicite wish) and
it was a complete failure.  People want to drop in at the Debian booth
and see what's going on in Debian.  This would fail if the boothes
would be separated.

> I, as a LinuxTag organiser, do have a problem with a third (fourth?)
> Debian booth.  We already had Debian, Linux-Ports and Skolelinux.  I'd
> rather have Debian organise the booth more like the KDE project,
> i.e. concentrate on core information.

Kind regards


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