Good Morning!

* Amaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040630 01:09]:

> I am so sorry I couldn't make it to LinuxTag... Ian told me people were
> asking where I was...

Yeah, there are people who didn't believed you have a swirl tatoo :-)

> > Well, let's play a game: Take a look at the galleries and try to
> > guess, who the one was, and if you are right, I'll tell you his name
> > and email ;)
> Ok, I'll look for the URLs... any hints for this poor Spaniard?

Ok, one hint: He is a human.

> > Please, the breast-staring idiot wasn't german, and at least we are
> > honestly enough to talk about that uncensored ;)
> Then it was not Uli (he stares at breasts, not that he's an idiot!!!
> where's that Debconf @ Oslo pic? Uli?)

Right, it wasn't Uli, but Uli knows whome we talking about :)

> Was he american? European?

Okay, for such a nice picture you send in the other mail you get an
other hint: He is male.

Yours sincerely,

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