I am so sorry I couldn't make it to LinuxTag... Ian told me people were
asking where I was...

Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> Well, let's play a game: Take a look at the galleries and try to
> guess, who the one was, and if you are right, I'll tell you his name
> and email ;)

Ok, I'll look for the URLs... any hints for this poor Spaniard?

> Please, the breast-staring idiot wasn't german, and at least we are
> honestly enough to talk about that uncensored ;)

Then it was not Uli (he stares at breasts, not that he's an idiot!!!
where's that Debconf @ Oslo pic? Uli?)

Was he american? European?

       "...And the dirty little secret of most men is that we've
 .''`.  learned to type with one hand over the years"
: :' :             -- Ian Murdock, filibusterer extraordinaire.
`. `'      Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.6 Ext3)  
  `-   www.amayita.com  www.malapecora.com  www.chicasduras.com

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