On Thursday, November 14, 2024 10:18:17 AM MST Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Your are right Simon, the body actually says "DEP0" and only title has
> DEP-0 (
> https://salsa.debian.org/dep-team/deps/-/blob/master/web/deps/dep0.mdwn#L1).
> The changelog even has "DEP 0".
> Front page of dep-team.pages.debian.net spells it with a space.. The role
> model https://peps.python.org/pep-0001/ also uses space, but dash (and
> padding) in the filename. RFCs also use space. Maybe I should withdraw
> proposal to standardize on the dash..
> I don't care which spelling we choose, I just want it to be consistent.

While it obviously wasn’t standardized from the beginning, I am in favor of it 
becoming standardized.  Of all the available options, I personally like DEP-0 
the best.

Soren Stoutner

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