Otto Kekäläinen <> writes:

> Hi all,
> I am the kind of person that gets hugely annoyed by things like this.
> Is anyone else feeling it?
> Can we agree on calling Debian Enhancement Proposals DEP-N with a dash?
> My eyes get sore when looking at commit messages like these:
> * cd4d154 DEP 15: initial draft
> * f54478c DEP8: Fix link to current specification
> * 1f20e9d DEP-14: Version -> refname mangling: Escape dots
> As the original DEP-0 used that in the title, I suggest we agree to
> consistently spell it with a dash going forward. Anyone seconds?

I don't see "DEP-0" used in DEP 0?

It uses "DEP: 0", "DEP0" and "DEP 0" but no occurance of DEP-0.

Could you propose a DEP -1 to establish a recommended naming procedure?
Including how to escape negative numbers in the shortened form, for
which I suggest using DEP--1 to avoid confusion with DEP-1.



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