On Thu, 24 Apr 2014 23:20:00 -0500
Gunnar Wolf <gw...@gwolf.org> wrote:

> Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo dijo [Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 01:27:02AM
> +0100]:
> > To both things above, I don't think that this is different to my
> > example of 'configure' script without corresponding .ac/.in; and I
> > don't think that anybody is thinking about adding lintian errors
> > for that or considering those scripts non-free (??).
> Just FWIW, I didn't reply to this point because it's been many years
> since I last packaged a project using configure scripts (I just work
> with languages I am comfortable with, and C is not one of them). As
> others have pointed, shipping configure without compiling it from the
> .ac/.in is bad and should be seen as a warning, if not directly as a
> true bug.


I work with autotools and C packages routinely and I'm not averse to
editing ./configure to debug an autotools issue and then applying the
change to configure.ac or one of the m4 macros. ./configure is just a
very long (and complex) shell script but that shell script uses
whitespace properly, retains descriptive variable names and uses tab
indentation within code blocks. Minified JS does none of those things.


Neil Williams

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