On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 01:27:02AM +0100, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
> I don't think that this is different to my example of 'configure'
> script without corresponding .ac/.in; and I don't think that anybody
> is thinking about adding lintian errors for that or considering those
> scripts non-free (??).

Configure is not source.  The source is configure.ac/in, but I've never
seen a project that ships a generated configure script without also
shipping its source.

> And just to be clear, my idea was to avoid repacking with e.g. JQuery or other
> very well known libraries, for which we have the sources in other Debian 
> package
> present in every release,

And that's a very valid point.  The minified version is not source, but
we do have source in the archive.  This means there is no problem for
the license, and there is no violation of the DFSG either.  It's just a
technicality that the source is in a different package.

For this case, I think it might be good to fix Lintian so it doesn't
complain about it anymore as long as there is a dependency on the
package containing the source.

There's always the question of whether the shipped version is
unmodified, but IMO it is not a problem to assume that it is (unless we
know better), at least as long as it isn't used.


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