On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 02:25:48AM +0100, Philip Hands wrote:
>Raphael Hertzog <hert...@debian.org> writes:
>> So I agree with Cyril and the d-i team, we should be cautious here.
>> Let's focus everybody's energy on getting Phil's patch merged instead
>> of continuing this discussion.
>The latest incarnation of which I think is close to ready:
>  https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/d-i/pkgsel.git/log/?h=pu/simple_tasksel
>I've squashed the commits together, so we now have the first (aae3196)
>which implements the feature, and would probably be fine as it is (once
>comments to the translators have been added as appropriate).
>The second commit (1bb1feb) adds a level of indirection in the
>template, with code to populate it from some new debconf settings,
>which allows one to then customise the menu via preseeding.  This is not
>in any way essential to the task in hand, but might well be useful for

I'll be honest - that code scares me right now. If this was simple,
obvious stuff then I'd be pushing to try and get this in. But it's
not. Comments like

+       # there is no need to do  this twice, and it breaks [back] behaviour if 
you do

don't help, and I honestly don't understand what

+                       db_subst pkgsel/simplified-tasksel $(echo $i | tr "a-z" 
"A-Z") "$subst"

is doing when I read the code at 2am. Can you explain this better

To make this kind of change for stretch, we'll also need updates to
translations directly in the installer and in the installation
guide. I'm worried that we're doing this too late in the cycle - as
KiBi says.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
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 Privacy is an inherent human right, and a requirement for maintaining
 the human condition with dignity and respect."
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