Raphael Hertzog <hert...@debian.org> writes:
> So I agree with Cyril and the d-i team, we should be cautious here.
> Let's focus everybody's energy on getting Phil's patch merged instead
> of continuing this discussion.

The latest incarnation of which I think is close to ready:


I've squashed the commits together, so we now have the first (aae3196)
which implements the feature, and would probably be fine as it is (once
comments to the translators have been added as appropriate).

The second commit (1bb1feb) adds a level of indirection in the
template, with code to populate it from some new debconf settings,
which allows one to then customise the menu via preseeding.  This is not
in any way essential to the task in hand, but might well be useful for

I have tested this, with these preseed settings, and it does what one
would hope (adding "Minimal system..." as a third option):

d-i pkgsel/simplified-tasksel/choices string standard ("${DESKTOP}") desktop, 
standard server [text-only console & 'ssh' remote access], Minimal system (adds 
no more packages), other use cases
d-i pkgsel/simplified-tasksel/choices-c string ${DESKTOP}-desktop;standard, 
ssh-server;standard, ;;, ;
d-i pkgsel/simplified-tasksel/longdesc string You can now choose between 
installing a standard desktop, a standard server, a minimal system, or 
alternatively to use the task selection menu to have finer grained control over 
installing tasks and blends.

The use of ; and ;; in the choices-c needs documenting -- ; is being
used as a separator for the tasks to be selected.  A lone ';' is being
used as a marker for the "continue to tasksel" case.  ';;' does not
match that, so converts to selecting no tasks -- I suspect leaving it
blank would work just as well, but have not tried that yet.

If anyone knows how to set choices-c via preseeding, then we might not
need (all of) the second commit.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|-|  http://www.hands.com/    http://ftp.uk.debian.org/
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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