Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org> writes:

> Hi,
> Nicholas D Steeves <nstee...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Justin B Rye <justin.byam....@gmail.com> writes:
>> > Holger Wansing wrote:
>> >> And they all need to covered here.
>> >> Maybe we cannot find a term that works perfectly for all of them, however
>> >> having a suitable coverterm for all would be the major goal.
>> >
>> > Contenders so far:
>> >  * "insert another medium", "insert more media", and "insert another
>> >    item of media" all run the risk of annoying readers because they're
>> >    unidiomatic or "wrong" or clumsy.
>> As far as I can tell "installation media" is the most commonly used term
>> (Eg: RedHat, SUSE, Microsoft, Apple).  While it might not be the ideal
>> term, it's worth mentioning that idiosyncratic documentation may also
>> have a "risk" of this kind.  My vote is for "installation media" because
>> I've never seen any of the proposed alternatives in print.  It
>> definitely needs "installation" for precision, because there are many
>> types of media, and "media" is a generic and neutral term.
> That's a good argument IMHO, not mentioned before.
> And given that most people were fine with this term in the first run 
> (except of Ben), and there is no perfect choice in this case anyway,
> I will move back to "installation media" and to Justins review from
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2019/09/msg00082.html

Thanks :-) I know it's boring and conventional, and that it's an ad
populum to advocate for what others are doing.

P.S. I'm also passionate about (and educated/indoctrinated into)
resisting the trend towards imprecise language, passionate about
philology, philosophy, linguistics, and the difficulties of
translation--particularly poetics; that said, DUGs, mailing lists, media
such as blogs and youtube, conferences, et al have much greater power
than the strings we use in the installer.  People are going to use
whatever feels right to them, and the best we can do is provide a
familiar compromise as an official point of reference.

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