Hi Paulo,

a few comments / questions with my DebConf committee hat on:

1) FTR: A budget that you ask to get approved should include all planned
expenses and all expected income. So we can assess the whole picture and
not only - e.g. - hotel cost. The big expenses (bursary budget incl.
outreach, accommodation, food, venue rent, video / audio / infra rental
where needed) should be estimated. Similarly the fundraising team should
have an estimate of what local and what global sponsors are expected to
contribute. The estimated delta (if any) between expenses and income is

2) Are you planning to get some of the 78k USD for accommodation paid
for by self-paying attendees? If so, what percentage do you want to
cover via your bursary budget and what percentage will be paid by attendees?
(E.g.: If 50% would be self-paid accomm we'd have essentially down-paid
20% already paying 10% of the total.)

3) What other down payments at what points in time do the hotels expect?

4) If we cancel one of the hotels will we get the down-payment(s) fully

5) At what point in time, for each of the hotels, do reservations get
binding (non-refundable)?

Kind regards,

Am 20.08.2018 um 19:09 schrieb Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana:
> Let the game begin \o/
> Dear DPL, 
> I'm requesting your aproval to the budget below:
>       USD -77,827.61  assets:SPI
>        USD 77,827.61  expenses:roomboard:accommodation
>        USD 16,750.07    Aladdin
>        USD 61,077.53    Nacional
> --------------------
>                    0
> We need to pay 10% of the ammount until 2018-10-01. So, we are asking these
> payments to be done by SPI:
> Hotel Aladdin =   USD 1,675.00
> Hotel Nacional =  USD 6,107.00
> ------------------------
> TOTAL =     USD 7,782.00
> You can read more details about these reservations here:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/19/Accommodation
> Best regards,

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