
On 27/01/15 11:01, Bernelle Verster wrote:

>     Right, but I worry more about the daily trips that attendees will make.
> It would be silly to stay in town and commute daily to the debconf
> venue, in my opinion... We are only considering venues with very close
> accommodation. 

I did not mean that, although I am sure many people will want their own
accommodation, and that needs to be taken into account.

I meant that many people like to go exploring after the talks are over,
maybe to sample the local beer production, or to have dinner in a nice
restaurant, etc.

>     Oh. I understood that the other venue option would be of walking
>     distance of most amenities. Can you elaborate on this?

>  I think there might be a perception here that town is where most is
> happening, which I think is not necessarily the case. Cape Town, as most
> of South Africa, has extensive urban sprawl, and the places to hang out
> are clustered in suburbs. Every suburb has it's 'feel' and it's famous
> eateries and attractions. So all venues will have walking distance

Ah, I see. This is not great for pedestrians though :/

> amenities (Cape Town team please correct me or elaborate?). The
> university campus is also walking distance from amenities, getting back
> to the venue just has a steep uphill. It's just getting to town proper

I was checking the maps, and I don't seem to find many amenities around
campus. There seems to be a couple of fast food places in Main rd, but
that's the only I've found, and it is 1.3km from the venue... Is there
more stuff that I am missing? Is there some kind of village nearby?

> that is a bit more of a mission. In my personal view, town is a touristy
> thing or a weekend-ey thing to do, and to do once and once only. 

I understand.

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)
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