Hi Richard

That is correct. People tend to not want to take any form of public
transport after dark in South Africa. Students usually drive here or share
private taxis back.

We did obtain quotes for 'dinner shuttles' - 14 seater buses to be used ad
hoc, see

This may be a weak point of this venue, but at any other venue we would
have to organise transport after dark as well, and possibly right through
the day too.

I did get the idea from the UCT Jammie person that we could arrange extra
trips at an additional cost. We will compare that cost to the quotes we
already obtained from the private coach companies.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 12:25 PM, Martín Ferrari <tin...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi Bernelle,
> On 26/01/15 17:38, Bernelle Verster wrote:
> > https://www.uct.ac.za/students/services/jammie/maps/vac/
> >
> > The one to town is to the Hiddingh campus.
> >
> > This is currently the holiday schedule until 31 January so gives you a
> > good idea of off peak times.
> If I read correctly, this means that the last bus leaves town at 6 on
> weekdays, and that there are no afternoon/evening buses on the weekend.
> So, no chance of going to town for shopping, sight-seeing, or just
> grabbing a beer without the need for a taxi back.
> I presume students usually drive?
> IMHO, this is a critically weak point of that venue.
> --
> Martín Ferrari (Tincho)
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