
On 27/01/15 10:38, Bernelle Verster wrote:

> That is correct. People tend to not want to take any form of public
> transport after dark in South Africa. Students usually drive here or
> share private taxis back.

Do you know how much would be the cost of a taxi at night to get from
downtown into campus?

> We did obtain quotes for 'dinner shuttles' - 14 seater buses to be used
> ad hoc, see 

Right, but I worry more about the daily trips that attendees will make.

> This may be a weak point of this venue, but at any other venue we would
> have to organise transport after dark as well, and possibly right
> through the day too.

Oh. I understood that the other venue option would be of walking
distance of most amenities. Can you elaborate on this?

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)
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