Hi Didier,

Didier Raboud <o...@debian.org> writes:
> That said, I must say I'm really disappointed that the local team members 
> have 
> to face such untrust. It's really hard to acknowledge and accept that we did 
> these investigation one year ago [0], that we are making them better over 
> time, and yet get mails from other team members that write in November 2012 
> that it is impossible to evaluate if talk rooms and hacklabs and Internet are 
> viable in LeCamp.

Could that be because some of the the details that you've presumably
known for all that time have only emerged slowly, often after enough
uninformed speculation to ensure that many people are left uncertain
about the truth of the matter?

For instance, sleeping bags:

I admit that I have not been paying the closest attention, and have
therefore kept my mouth shut most of the time, but this weekend seems to
be the first time that people (or at least, I) became aware that over
half the "beds" at Le Camp are apparently not what I'd refer to as a
bed, but rather some sort of sleep-mat that requires one to bring a
sleeping bag.

BTW Don't assume that I'm raising this because I'm personally concerned
about sleeping in a sleeping bag -- this is a wider point.

The history of the wiki's accommodation page shows that the first mention
of sleeping bags was added on Nov 1st 2012.

The first mention I can see on the mailing list is Steve's analysis

On IRC logs available to me (which may be partial) we have this single
mention from you on Jul 29 2012:

  11:17 < OdyX> h01ger: actually, a suitable system for the allocation of
  beds would definitely be needed though. Because some are more sleeping-bag
  and some are more nordic beds:
    <http://www.lecamp.ch/communs/batiments.ph p?id=10&lang=en>

and then it is Tue Oct 30 2012 before the subject comes up again.

(FYI I'd assumed that the sleeping-mat pictures were just of the room
with unmade beds, so apparently it's not necessarily obvious just
because there's no bedding in the photos)

So perhaps you've known everything that was needed to be known a year in
advance but you've not been particularly good at passing the details on,
despite related subjects coming up repeatedly on IRC.

My point is that we've apparently gone through the whole decision making
process, up to the point of agreeing (IRC-wise) to sign a contract with
hefty penalty clause, and some terms that people are still quite
concerned about.

All this has been done on the basis of partial or misunderstood
information.  I know that the sleeping bag issue is relatively minor,
and could be overlooked, but it highlights the fact that new aspects of
this venue seem to keep popping up, and this makes one wonder what else
we don't yet know.

This is not a good way to arrive at good decisions.

> Please try to trust us, at least a little; that would help pushing that 
> project forward, as a team.

In hindsight, it would have been a lot easier on everyone if some sort
of authoritative information had been constructed as each confusion arose.

For instance, one "fact" that I currently hold as entirely probable
based on IRC rumour is that there are only a handful of parking spaces
at Le Camp.

If that really is true, then Andreas's ideas about people coming in cars
are going to fail because there will be nowhere for them to park.

If it turns out that the alternative rumour is actually correct, that we
can also park in the woods, and if that has been agreed by Le Camp, then
it would be healthy for that to be published somewhere, to avoid the
"There's no parking" rumour resurfacing.

Of course, right now the people that know the answers to all these
questions have more urgent things to do than updating wiki pages, but on
the other hand, the large number of half-truths floating about make it
really difficult to come to any solid conclusions.  Especially when each
potential solution to a problem rapidly bumps into another aspect of the
venue which is currently in doubt (at least for those of us that have
not been to the venue).

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
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