On Sat, 01 Dec 2012 01:03:14 +0000, Moray Allan wrote:

> On 2012-12-01 00:27, gregor herrmann wrote:
> >I find it quite irritating and disturbing that it's called "threats"
> >when some people explain honestly and transparently in advance "I'm
> >happy to work under cirumcstances foo but not under cirumstances bar"
> >(instead of just showing the finger and letting others pick up the
> >pieces after the fact).
> For me "to threaten to resign" is a standard phrase, which does not
> automatically include any negative judgement on the one who says
> that they will resign (it's a fairly common phrase in political
> contexts).

Oh, I see.
Seems this was a misunderstanding on my side caused by my
German-influenced understanding of English ...

Thanks for the clarification!
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