Christian PERRIER dijo [Sat, Dec 01, 2012 at 08:35:52AM +0100]:
> (..)
> In short, we're going the hard way right now, but choosing another way
> is nearly guaranteed to lead to a failure.
> It's quite likely that I won't add more in this thread, following my
> own stance to avoid adding noise to noise and given that I can't do
> much more to help reaching the goal of having a good Debconf in 2013.

I'm replying to this as I feel the same way as Christian. I have been
following the arguments, but I don't think they really add much. I
do feel that, even with all its undeniable shortcomings, the Le Camp
bid is, after all, a very good one. With the adequations we have made,
it's also financially viable. So, yes, I fully support signing the
contract that Philipp and Gaudenz got in their last meeting.

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