Hi Philipp,

Philipp Hug <deb...@hug.cx> writes:
> So, moving income which should go the event organizer, which is
> legally the debconf13 association, to other organisations could be
> seen as a way of tax evasion. That's why I really don't want to go
> that way.

Is Swiss VAT law really that different from UK VAT?  or are you saying
"VAT" when you mean to include general corporate taxation as well?

I cannot imagine that the UK VAT folks would care at all about either
how the money was routed, nor how it was accounted for if what was
happening was e.g. that a US donor was giving money that was eventually
spent in the USA, on a flight.

The donation would not have any UK VAT associated with it, and the
flight would not be reclaimable anyway, and would have nothing to do
with the UK VAT system either.

Where is the Swiss tax that we could conceivably be avoiding in this
scenario, and how does it make a difference to waste money twice by
shipping it to .ch and back?

... or are you just saying that it's OK for the money to go
Donor-->SPI-->Sponsoree-->Airline as long as there is a note of it in
the .ch book-keeping?

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.                    http://www.uk.debian.org/
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND

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