Hi Holger,

>> > First off, DC13.ch plans on having all DC13 money go through it.
>> > For example, most years, sponsors pay to etiher SPI or FFIS, and
>> > then the money is transferred to wherever it is needed, or used in the
>> > hempsiphere for travel sponsorship.  It allows transfer of money from
>> > continent to continent from year to year.
> well, indeed I see no point why eg travel-sponsorhip (should we have it)
> should go via d13.ch if it ends up in .de or .us. But I do expect mosts
> expenses to be paid in .ch.

If Debian decides to do travel-sponsorship outside of the DebConf
budget, that's fine.
But we can't let sponsors pay to other organisations and let them pay
some of the conference expenses themselves.
In Switzerland if an event has a budget of > 150k you have to register
for VAT. It doesn't mean we have to pay more taxes because of that,
but just that we have to do a correct book-keeping of VAT.
btw: if you're below 150k you still need to pay VAT as you have to pay
the prices including VAT. It just means you don't have to do the

So, moving income which should go the event organizer, which is
legally the debconf13 association, to other organisations could be
seen as a way of tax evasion. That's why I really don't want to go
that way.

> I understand this as dc13.ch maintaining a budget, which is obviouly wrong, as
> I expect those doing this do this together in debconf-team svn^wgit.
The detailed budget is maintained in the debconf-team svn and there's
a public budget which is less detailed by richard in the debconf-data

> I'm very happy seeing Phillipp and Richard work together on this the way they
> do. If thats the dc13 plan (which I believe it is), yay.
> Please correct me if I miss something.
We will work together to find a good solution. He just wanted to
communicate the way we (the swiss team) wanted to handle it this year,
so that nobody will be surprised afterwards.

> I'm sure we can (and should) do DebConf13 in a way, that involves dc13.ch
> doing (as in moneyflow) DebConf13 locally, while of course various other
> organisations can pay whatever costs directly. If SPI/ffis cover costs, it's
> not dc13.ch's business.

As I said SPI/FFIS can pay whatever they want, but taking sponsorship
money which is directed to the debconf13, event and spending it, is
problematic. If they just forward it to us, it would be no problem

> Whatever was discussed and agreed during DC12 is not documented on
> http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/MoneyFlow - so let's do this now.

Agreed, this needs to be documented.

> I think we can well do this in parallel, and it's not urgent now anyway.
I understand Darst's concern that he wants to have this clarified now,
before we sign anything.

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