On Fri, Nov 02, 2012 at 05:33:05PM +0100, Philipp Hug wrote:

> > I understand this as dc13.ch maintaining a budget, which is obviouly wrong, 
> > as
> > I expect those doing this do this together in debconf-team svn^wgit.
> The detailed budget is maintained in the debconf-team svn and there's
> a public budget which is less detailed by richard in the debconf-data
> svn.

I still consider it problematic that the "official" budget is not
public, and was not happy at having to redo it for transparency
reasons.  I'd much rather use yours, and move it to -team (And I'd
probably rearrange it some in the sprit of mine to make it easier to
find the essence).  I'm about to commit an update to mine, if you'd
rather use mine, feel free to move everything over to it.  Or if you
have another idea entirely, chat me.

Just for the record, here is my recommended layout of documents:

debconf-data/budget.ods - Public.  Expected costs and incomes.
Updated as we know more, but after a while becomes irrelevant.  Has no
personally identifying information.  has aggregate lines for attendee
fees/sponsorship from the two budgets below.

debconf-team/attendee-payments.ods - Attendee payment records.  Has a
line for each attendee that needs to pay, and is filled out with date
they actually pay, amount, and how they paid.  Occasionally needs
syncing from penta (I have scripts).  For recommended formats, see

debconf-team/sponsors.ods - Sponsor payment records.  Once a sponsor
commits, they get a line here with pledged amount, and when paid,
actual amount.  For recommended formats, see DC11-DC12.

debconf-team/accounting/ledger - Public full accounting of payments and all.
Sponsor/attendee payments are listed here without identifying
information, and for identifying information one looks in the two
charts above.  Normal team membres don't need to worry about this
format, it is for accountants to use to tabulate everything and ensure
it syncs with bank statements.  The spreadsheets above provide easier
to manage ways to get specific bits of information - and the
registration/sponsorship teams can grok them much better than the

+ a DC13.ch specific ledger, of hug's choice, since that is important
this year.

I know there is a desire to make one master document, but I have found
this extra level of complexity hasn't actually worked out that well.
The system above has worked remarkably well since DC10, and the
various teams have all been able to keep up with it.  Also, I've never
made keeping attendee payments in penta work yet, perhaps someone
better than me could.  If we replace penta, perhaps then everything
would work better.  However, might still think having separate and
clear boundaries will keep things simple, which is important for
long-term sustainability.

> > I'm very happy seeing Phillipp and Richard work together on this the way 
> > they
> > do. If thats the dc13 plan (which I believe it is), yay.

Right now I am assuming I (+ hug) will focus just on global money
movements and actual expenses, instead of dc13.ch specific expenses,
and hug will focus on dc13.ch centric records.  Of course, we will
work together however we need to, and are already doing that.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  pyke: up 2 days, 3
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