
Richard Darst <r...@zgib.net> writes:

> Hi,
> A while ago, I talked with some people about the DC13 local
> organization.  There were some interesting things about it, which
> I thought should be at least mentioned before things go on too
> far, because otherwise there might be problems later.
> First off, DC13.ch plans on having all DC13 money go through it.
> For example, most years, sponsors pay to etiher SPI or FFIS, and
> then the money is transferred to wherever it is needed, or used in the
> hempsiphere for travel sponsorship.  It allows transfer of money from
> continent to continent from year to year.
> The DC13 plan involves having all money go to DC13.ch, wherever it
> comes from.  [Or: not physically moving the money, but acconting it as
> DC13.ch assets].  This would subject all money to Swiss financial
> rules.  And this is why VAT was such a concern.
> I had tried to suggest some of the money not go through DC13.ch, but
> it seems since DC13.ch is defined as running DebConf13, and Debconf13
> is a certain event, that gets legally iffy.

I'm a bit surprised that this comes up now. We discussed this with
several people during DC12 (including the Debian auditors present) and
they all seemed to agree to our assessment of the situation. Also some
of the points were raised and mentioned during the discussion about the
DebConf 13 association. But it may not have been obvious to everyone
then because it was framed a bit differently.

Also the timing of this discussion is a bit bad. I would prefer to
postpone this issue until after the decision if we want to stay with the
plan to have DebConf 13 at Le Camp or if we want to go somewhere else is
taken. I don't these two issues are related and this issue is not very
pressing. Though we should decide about this soon afterwards.


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