
On Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2012, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> Richard Darst <r...@zgib.net> writes:
> > A while ago, I talked with some people about the DC13 local
> > organization.  There were some interesting things about it

thanks for bringing this up now, Richard. I do think it's important we update 
http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/MoneyFlow to reflect the reality for DebConf13 as 
soon as possible. (And keep the old info from DC12.)

> > First off, DC13.ch plans on having all DC13 money go through it.
> > For example, most years, sponsors pay to etiher SPI or FFIS, and
> > then the money is transferred to wherever it is needed, or used in the
> > hempsiphere for travel sponsorship.  It allows transfer of money from
> > continent to continent from year to year.

well, indeed I see no point why eg travel-sponsorhip (should we have it) 
should go via d13.ch if it ends up in .de or .us. But I do expect mosts 
expenses to be paid in .ch.

> > The DC13 plan involves having all money go to DC13.ch, wherever it
> > comes from.  [Or: not physically moving the money, but acconting it as
> > DC13.ch assets].  This would subject all money to Swiss financial
> > rules.  And this is why VAT was such a concern.

I understand this as dc13.ch maintaining a budget, which is obviouly wrong, as 
I expect those doing this do this together in debconf-team svn^wgit.

I'm very happy seeing Phillipp and Richard work together on this the way they 
do. If thats the dc13 plan (which I believe it is), yay.

Please correct me if I miss something.

> > I had tried to suggest some of the money not go through DC13.ch, but
> > it seems since DC13.ch is defined as running DebConf13, and Debconf13
> > is a certain event, that gets legally iffy.

I'm sure we can (and should) do DebConf13 in a way, that involves dc13.ch 
doing (as in moneyflow) DebConf13 locally, while of course various other 
organisations can pay whatever costs directly. If SPI/ffis cover costs, it's 
not dc13.ch's business.

> I'm a bit surprised that this comes up now. We discussed this with
> several people during DC12 (including the Debian auditors present) and
> they all seemed to agree to our assessment of the situation. Also some
> of the points were raised and mentioned during the discussion about the
> DebConf 13 association. But it may not have been obvious to everyone
> then because it was framed a bit differently.

Whatever was discussed and agreed during DC12 is not documented on 
http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/MoneyFlow - so let's do this now.

> Also the timing of this discussion is a bit bad. I would prefer to
> postpone this issue until after the decision if we want to stay with the
> plan to have DebConf 13 at Le Camp or if we want to go somewhere else is
> taken. I don't these two issues are related and this issue is not very
> pressing. Though we should decide about this soon afterwards.

I think we can well do this in parallel, and it's not urgent now anyway.

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