On 15/08/12 19:54, Giacomo A. Catenazzi wrote:

> We cannot engineering all possibilities, and we are Debian / DebConf, so
> no committee. but doers! If you want to continue with your idea, go
> asking informally people, give us something like:
> - the OpenCowGroup: a group of 12 people and 2 cows would like to share
> the campus with us (including 2 cabal members), for 4 days during
> DebCamp. They will provide us the famous cabal milk for free.
> - Piraten, openstreetmap, xorg, unglypackage, ...
> There are much different possibilities (and IMHO few chances to get
> them), so speaking with details is not useful.
> So we want informal talks.

I have one informal contact that could lead to a student event during
the DebCamp week.  The focus would be `open technology', so it is not a
Debian event, but it is compatible.  The target group (students) are
also compatible with the accommodation of Le Camp.

> Odyx wrote:
>> For the same reason, given the expressed concerns about 325 being not 
>> enough, 
>> I'm quite convinced we'll reach the average of 200 beds so any attempt at 
>> rising this average might mostly bring new costs and new problems (in us 
>> managing non-DebC{amp,onf}'ers) rather than taking the costs down.
> I still think that panic talked. So, I still don't think we will have
> the campus full. IMHO many people will search outside Le Camp.
> Personally I like the idea, and it could help eventually smaller debconf
> in future.

The discussion about the contract suggests it is not 200, more like 235
bed average now: so the `risk' factor is higher

If we have great sponsors and everything is fully paid then there is no
need to worry about another event during the DebCamp week

If not, having an extra event that brings in cash, with minimal admin
effort from debconf-team, may be easier than finding extra sponsors

I am not trying to undermine DC13 in CH at all, the reason I raise this
again is because there seems to be persistent concern at the back of
people's heads about the budget, and it is better to deal with it early
rather than later, these are just some of the comments that stand out:

"doesn't sound good when this year's financial plan seems to depend
entirely on persuading Swiss companies and foundations to give a lot
more money than we usually raise in total"

"double-sized budget in the middle of a financial melt-down"

"truly worried of not getting near the needed amount"

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