
Sorry for bringing this up a bit late. I should have studied the
contract in more detail earlier.

Michele Cane <michele.c...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Sun, 2012-09-02 at 10:56 +0200, Philipp Hug wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Here's some feedback about points in the contract that need to be
>> changed/clarified.
>> * General: This is more like an order form and not a contract. We also
>> need their signature! Can't they give us a more formal contract?
> That is the general contract they have for anyone renting Le Camp.
> I can ask for something different.

While this is probably the general form they use for anyone. This seems
only suitable for renting one house for about 1 week (usual school camp
situation), but not for a 150k CHF contract. At least both parties of
the contract should be clearly mentioned and sign the contract.

>> * Food: The contract doesn't state, that we can freely choose the
>> meals we need and only pay for those. The contract actually says we
>> buy full board for everyone.
>> According to Gaudenz this was already agreed with Mr. Pianaro.
> If on a certain day we have 200 people this day we will have 200 meals
> (breackfast, lunchn dinner), we can choose between the 34 and 40 chf
> option.

I'm quite suprised by this. Unless my french is very much failing me or
I have severe shortcomings in my brain, we explicitly discussed this and
agreed with le camp that only the meals actually *consumed* will be
charged. So if someone won't eat we wont pay for it.

>> Also it need to be clarified, when they need the exact numbers for the
>> meals. e.g. rough estimate 1 week before and final number 24h before
>> meal.
> They says 10 days before in the contract.

Also in my understanding we agreed that we have to give them expected
numbers but as long as we don't diverge from this by a large amount this
is fine and we only pay *consumed* meals. 

IMHO this is significantly different form we have to pay 40CHF for food
for everyone that sleeps at le camp if they actually eat it or not (eg.
the usual meaning of full board).

>> * Cleaning: I'm not sure if it's clear enough that the price includes
>> the cleaning of the whole venue.
> If we want cleaning we have to pay 2700 chf, otherwise we have to do it
> ourselves.

I also think this is clear enough in the contract. As far as I
understood Philipp his concern is mainly about the fact if this also
includes the cleaning of the non accomodation parts of the venue.

>> * VAT: The contract must state, the VAT is included and at which rate.
> I'll ask them to add it.
>> * Forfait for accomodation is calculated incorrectly if based on a
>> minimum 200person occupancy.
>> He just calculated 200x (most expensive rooms), but there only exist
>> 129 of those :-)
>> Much fairer would be a price based on average room price.
> The minimum is 4880 per day. Is not related to a minimum number of
> people. We can compose the bed ration per night. If after 13 nights the
> sum of the price is less than 4880 x 13 we will have to pay 4880 x 13
> anyway.

OK. But we just have to be aware that this means that we need an average
of 243 persons per night to reach this (based on an average price per
bed of 20.10). So the 200 persons number is just wrong and should no
longer be used.

>> * Electricity: What is the base electricity consumption? We should
>> know that, if we have to pay the additional consumption.
> We did a quick calculation for the extra consuption. That's the price on
> the contract. We aim to be sponsored by an energy supplier company to
> cover this expense. 

But still the problem is that this is an additional charge normal guests
at le camp don't have to pay. So it should only include the additional
energy for the DebConf infrastructure (computers, ...) and not the base
electricity to run the camp and the kitchen. The problem is that the
base energy will probably be about 80% of the energy consumption as
their kitchen stove, fridges and warm water will consume much more
energy than all our computers. Also the 1500 CHF figure was a quick
calculation of the absolute maximum, not an estimate of the real costs
of this. We asumed something like 200 computers running 24h/day for 13
days each pulling 50W. Even this is only 624 CHF. [1]


[1] 200 participants * 24 hours * 13 days * 50/1000 kWh * 0.2 CHF/kWh = 624 CHF
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~ Samuel Beckett ~
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