On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 11:21:09AM +0200, Philipp Hug wrote:
> The budget of dc13 is above the limit where you have to start paying VAT,
> whereas debian.ch's budget isn't and won't be in the near future.

Why is that? Do you think that it's not eligible to be recognized as a
charitable non-profit? I'm just interpolating from German law, but for
non-profit missions you're not able to recover VAT and not obliged to collect
VAT. Of course that would depend on the association being recognized to be

For the business arm of the association that might be the case if the revenue
in that particular branch of operations is too big, of course. But again just
interpolating from German's tax laws which apply, for instance, to FFIS.

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

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